Thursday, January 9, 2014

Vinca minor

Botanical Name:  Vinca minor
Common Name: Periwinkle, myrtle
Family: Apocynaceae 
Type: Broad leaved perennial
Origin/Habitat: Europe 
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, oblong to ovate, attenuate, margin entire
Flower Type: rotate, 1" 
Color: Lilac, blue, pink, white
Period: Spring 
Fruit: Follicle, 3" cylindrical
Exposure: Shade
Water: 2-3 good soakings per month
Pests: mealy bug, aphids, scale, root rot
Propagates by cuttings, division, seed

Remarks:  Its size is up to 2' tall and has varied spread sizes, grows moderately or fast. Is outstanding for its flowers and foliage. Used as ground cover

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