Thursday, January 9, 2014

Echium fastuosum

Botanical Name:  Echium fastuosum
Common Name: Pride of Madeira
Family: Boraginaceae
Type: Broad leaved, evergreen shrub perennial
Origin/Habitat: Canary Islands
Leaf Character: Alternate simple, the shape is lanceolate, distinctly veined, from roundish irregular mounds atthe end of stems, margin is entire
Flower Type: Spike- like clusters, cymes,  with scorpiod curl 0.5"
Color: Blue, purple, pink
Period: May, June
Fruit: Nutlet
Exposure: Full Sun
Water: Infrequent but thorough 
Pruning: Lightly to keep plant bushy, cut off faded flower spikes

Remarks: Reaches 3-6' height, grows fast. Is outstanding for its flowers, form or silhouette. Used as specimen and for erosion control

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