Thursday, January 9, 2014

Abelia X grandiflora cv. Edward Goucher ( chinesis x uniflora)

Botanical Name:  Abelia grandiflora
Common Name: Glossy Abelia
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Type: Broad leaved, evergreen shrub
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, size is 1.5", ovate and margin entire. Top is glossy dark green, Bottom is pale, flat light green
Flower Type:  Loose terminal panicles 3/4" Bell shaped, 2-5 sepals
Color: White flushed pink to lanvander pink
Period: Summer
Exposure: Likes Sun
Water: Ample
Pruning: regular, not required, prune dead wood thin in April

Remarks: Propagates by seed or cuttings, reaches 3-6' height by 5-6' spread, grows moderately. Outstanding for its foliage, form or silhouette, used as specimen and foundation

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