Thursday, January 9, 2014

Clivia miniata

Botanical Name: Clivia miniata
Common Name: Kaffir Lily
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Type: Broad leaved, evergreen perennial, indoor
Origin/Habitat: South Africa
Leaf Character: Alternate simple, 1.5' by 2" Shape is narrow, strap shaped, reticulated veins top is glossy and leathery
Flower Type: Terminal umbel, 3-4" polypetalus, individual flowers are 1"
Color: Orange and red orange
Period: December to April
Fruit: Oval capsule 1" green to red
Exposure: Ample to low but not direct
Water: Infrequent but thorough 
Remarks: Can get snails, propagate by seed or division, reaches 2' by 2" grows slowly is outstanding for its flowers and foliage, used as ground cover, border or container use

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