Saturday, January 11, 2014

Helianthemum numularium

Botanical Name: Helianthemum  numularium
Common Name: Sun Rose,  Rockrose
Family: Cistaceae
Type: Broad leaved evergreen shrub
Origin/Habitat: Europe including Great Britian
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, up to 2" long, elliptic, ovate to lanceolate. Margin is flat or slightly revolute, top is green and glossy  bottom is paler, fuzzy, grey. 
Flower Type: 1 sided cymes,  Shape is regular, usually 5 petals, many stamens 0.5-1" 
Color: Red through white
Period: June- July
Fruit: Capsule
Exposure: Full Sun
Water: Infrequent but thorough 
Diseases: Powdery mildew, leaf spot
Propagation: By cuttings
Remarks: Grows 6-8" height by 36" spread, grows from moderate to fast. Outstanding for its flowers, used as ground cover, erosion control, container, rock and wall garden

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