Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cistus skangergii

Botanical Name:  Cistus skanbergii
Common Name:  Rockrose
Family: Cistaceae
Type: Broad leaved evergreen shrub
Origin/Habitat: Mediterranean Europe rocky slopes
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, up to 2" shape is oblong to ovate, margin is entire, top is grey-green pubescent, bottom is lighter color, pubescent
Flower Type: Terminal cymes, symetrical 5 petals, 1.5" 
Color: light pink crinkly 
Period: summer and all year
Fruit: capsule
Exposure: Full sun
Water: Infrequent but thorough
Pests: Aphids, black scale and mealy bugs 
Propagation: By cuttings
Remarks: Reaches 3' height by 4-5' spread. Outstanding for its flowers and foliage. Used as hedge, ground cover, erosion control and container

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