Saturday, January 11, 2014

Arctotheca calendula

Botanical Name: Arctotheca calendula
Common Name: Cape Weed
Family: Compositae
Type: Broad leaved, evergreen shrub perennial 
Origin/Habitat: South Africa
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, 6-8" oblong, margin deeply divided 
Flower Type: head borne on 8-10" scape, ovary inferior 2" 
Color: yellow, orange
Period: March to Jun  and rest of the year
Fruit: Achene
Exposure: Full Sun
Water: infrequent but tolerant 
Propagation: By division, spreads by stolons, also propagates by seed
Remarks: Reaches 1' height, endless spread, grows fast. Outstanding for its flowers and foliage. Used as ground cover, espalier and for erosion control

Helianthemum numularium

Botanical Name: Helianthemum  numularium
Common Name: Sun Rose,  Rockrose
Family: Cistaceae
Type: Broad leaved evergreen shrub
Origin/Habitat: Europe including Great Britian
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, up to 2" long, elliptic, ovate to lanceolate. Margin is flat or slightly revolute, top is green and glossy  bottom is paler, fuzzy, grey. 
Flower Type: 1 sided cymes,  Shape is regular, usually 5 petals, many stamens 0.5-1" 
Color: Red through white
Period: June- July
Fruit: Capsule
Exposure: Full Sun
Water: Infrequent but thorough 
Diseases: Powdery mildew, leaf spot
Propagation: By cuttings
Remarks: Grows 6-8" height by 36" spread, grows from moderate to fast. Outstanding for its flowers, used as ground cover, erosion control, container, rock and wall garden

Cistus skangergii

Botanical Name:  Cistus skanbergii
Common Name:  Rockrose
Family: Cistaceae
Type: Broad leaved evergreen shrub
Origin/Habitat: Mediterranean Europe rocky slopes
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, up to 2" shape is oblong to ovate, margin is entire, top is grey-green pubescent, bottom is lighter color, pubescent
Flower Type: Terminal cymes, symetrical 5 petals, 1.5" 
Color: light pink crinkly 
Period: summer and all year
Fruit: capsule
Exposure: Full sun
Water: Infrequent but thorough
Pests: Aphids, black scale and mealy bugs 
Propagation: By cuttings
Remarks: Reaches 3' height by 4-5' spread. Outstanding for its flowers and foliage. Used as hedge, ground cover, erosion control and container

Cistus purpureus

Botanical Name:   Cistus purpureus
Common Name: Orchid Rockrose
Family: Cistaceae
Type: Broad leaved evergreen shrub
Origin/Habitat: Rocky slopes, C. ladanifer x C. villosus
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, up to 2",  the shape is lanceolate, acute, apex, somewhat viscid, become more leathery with age, top is dark green,  bottom is grey tomentose 
Flower Type: simple or cymes 5 petals, short lived  up to 3" 
Color: Purple, yellow at base with marron
Period: late spring to early fall 
Fruit: capsule 1/4" 
Exposure: Full Sun 
Water: Infrequent but thorough
Pests: spittlebug and aphids
Propagation" 3/4" long  tip cuttings
Remarks: Grows from moderately to fast up to 4' height by 4' spread. It is outstanding by its flowers. Used as hedge, for erosion control, rock gardens, and space divider

Cistus ladanifer

Botanical Name: Cistus ladanifer
Common Name: Crimson-spot Rockrose
Family: Cistaceae
Type: Broad leaved, evergreen shrub
Origin/Habitat: Portugal to France and Northern Africa
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, 1.5 to 4" Shape is Lanceolate, sessile, acute, fragrant when crushed, margin is entire, top is dark green, glabrous, and viscid, bottom is grey, tomentose 
Flower Type: solitary, the shape is regular, with 5 petals, silky haired on margins, the size is 3 to 3.5" 
Color: white with crimson blotch at base of petals
Period: All year
Fruit: Capsule, globose
Exposure: Full Sun 
Water: Infrequent but thorough 
Pests: spittlebugs and aphids
Propagation: seeds, tip cuttings from young spring growch
Remarks: Reaches 3-5' height by 3-5"spread, grows fast. Outstanding by its flowers, used as hedge, its resin is used in perfume. 

Cistus X hybridus

Botanical Name: Cistus X hybridus
Common Name:White Rockrose
Family: Cistaceae
Type: Broad leaved evergreen shrub
Origin/Habitat: Mediterranian  region
Leaf Character: Opposite simple up to 2" shape is ovate, scabrous, acute apex, ondulate fragrant when crushed, margin is entire, top is grey-green tomentose, bottom is grey- green tomentose
Flower Type: Terminal clusters, flower shape is regular, usually 5 petals, is short lived  1.5"
Color: White and yellow
Period: March to August 
Fruit: Capsule
Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Water: Infrequent but thorough
Pests: Spittlebug
Remarks: Reaches 2-3' height by 3-4' spread. It is outstanding for its flowers and is used as ground cover, erosion control, as border, color, filler or space division

Weigela florida

Botanical Name: Weigela florida
Common Name: Pink Weigela
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Type: Broad leaved half deciduous half evergreen shrub
Origin/Habitat: Asia
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, up to 4" the shape is elliptic or obovate,  margin serrate, top is glabrous, bottom is pubesent on veins 
Flower Type: Solitary or short clusters with funnel shape, sepals united at base, individual flowers up to 1" 
Color: Pink, red dark, magenta
Period: Late spring and summer 
Fruit: Persistant capsule, with oblong shape from 0.25 to 0.50" brown color, comes during winter
Exposure: Partial Sun or shade
Water: From moderate to regular
Pests: Aphids, mites and nematodes
Diseases: Subject to mildew, if kept too moist
Propagation: By cuttings and division

Viburnum suspensum

Botanical Name: Viburnum suspensum
Common Name: Sandankwa Viburnum
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Type: Broad leaved evergreen shrub
Origin/Habitat: Liu- Kiu Islands
Leaf Character: Opposite simple 2-4" the shape is oval,  elliptic, texture is leathery, glossy, margin is thoothed
Flower Type: Dense panicles from 2-4" Loose clusters with individual flowers about  1.5 " 
Color: White- Pink
Period: Spring
Fruit: Red turning black
Exposure: Sun or shade
Water: Ample moisture
Pests: Thrips, Aphids, Spider mites
Propagation: Stratified seeds, Harwood cuttings, Layering and grafting
Remarks: Reaches 6' height by 8-10' spread

Friday, January 10, 2014

Viburnum X davidii

Botanical Name: Viburnum x davidii
Common Name: David's Viburnum
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Type: Broad leaved evergreen shrub
Origin/Habitat: China
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, 5.5-6", shape is elliptic, margin slighty tooth
Flower Type: Irregular Cymes, dense peduncles 3" across insignificant 
Color: White blooms 
Period: Early summer 
Fruit: Berry/ drupe oval shape metallic blue color comes during summer 
Exposure: Part shade
Water: ample
Pests: Aphids, thrips, spider mites, scales
Propagation: Cuttings, layering, grafting, seed
Remarks: Reaches 1-3 feet height by 3-4 feet wide. Outstanding for its foliage and fruit, used as specimen and foundation plant

Lonicera heckrottii

Botanical Name: Lonicera heckrottii
Common Name: Cold flame honeysuckle
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Type: Broad leaved deciduous shrub vine
Origin/Habitat: Unknown 
Leaf Character: Alternate simple 2" elliptic to oval and sometimes fused margin entire
Flower Type: Spikes 2" tipped fused corolla  Ind. flowers are 1"
Color: Pink or purple, yellow inside
Period: Spring summer 
Fruit: Red Berry 
Exposure: Full Sun Part shade
Water: Regular
Remarks: Can get aphids, reaches 15' height by similar spread, grows moderately. Outstanding for its flowers, used as espalier and climber

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Lonicera japonica

Botanical Name: Lonicera japonica
Common Name: Japanese Honey suckle
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Type: Broad leaved evergreen vine 
Origin/Habitat: Japan, Korea
Leaf Character: Opposite, 3-8 cm Ovate to oblong, margin ciliate, top is deep green, bottom is pubescent 
Flower Type: Axillary pairs 
Color: White, purple
Period: Summer
Fruit: Fleshy few seeded berry
Exposure: Sun to partial shade
Water: Infrequent but thorough 
Remarks: Reaches 6-8m height and unlimited spread. Outstanding for its flowers, foliage and fragrance. Used as visual screen, ground cover, climber and for erosion control

Lonicera hildebrandiana

Botanical Name: Lonicera hildebrandiana
Common Name: Giant Burmese Honeysuckle
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Type: Broad leaved, evergreen vine
Origin/Habitat: Myanmar 
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple 4-6" oval-ovate, margin entire, top is dark green, glossy, bottom is lighter
Flower Type: Axillary raceme, 7", tubular ( in pairs), very slender, fragrant, individual flowers are 2" 
Color: Yellow- Apricot
Period: Summer
Fruit: Berry- like
Exposure: Full Sun, part shade
Water: Ample
Pruning: Thin out older stems and stubs
Pests: Aphids, Mealybugs

Remarks: Reaches 80' height by 50' spread, grows fast. Outstanding for its flowers, foliage, fragrance. Used as visual screen, ground cover, espalier, climber, Mounding ground cover 

Abelia X grandiflora cv. Edward Goucher ( chinesis x uniflora)

Botanical Name:  Abelia grandiflora
Common Name: Glossy Abelia
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Type: Broad leaved, evergreen shrub
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, size is 1.5", ovate and margin entire. Top is glossy dark green, Bottom is pale, flat light green
Flower Type:  Loose terminal panicles 3/4" Bell shaped, 2-5 sepals
Color: White flushed pink to lanvander pink
Period: Summer
Exposure: Likes Sun
Water: Ample
Pruning: regular, not required, prune dead wood thin in April

Remarks: Propagates by seed or cuttings, reaches 3-6' height by 5-6' spread, grows moderately. Outstanding for its foliage, form or silhouette, used as specimen and foundation

Abelia floribunda

Botanical Name: Abelia floribunda
Common Name: Mexican Abelia
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Type: Broad leaved evergreen shrub
Origin/Habitat: Mexico
Leaf Character: Opposite, simple, 0.5-0.75"  Ovate, glossy, shallow, toothed margin
Flower Type: Solitary or 2-3 flower clusters, size 1-3"  tubular, 5 petals, pendulous
Color: Purple, magenta
Period: Summer
Fruit: Berry
Exposure: Sun to Partial Sun
Water: Regular
Pruning: Prune after flowering, thin older branches to ground, do not shear
Pests: Aphids

Remarks: Propagates by 3" cuttings, reaches 3-10' height by 5' spread, grows moderately. Outstanding for its flowers and foliage. Used as hedge, barrier and visual screen. 

Echium fastuosum

Botanical Name:  Echium fastuosum
Common Name: Pride of Madeira
Family: Boraginaceae
Type: Broad leaved, evergreen shrub perennial
Origin/Habitat: Canary Islands
Leaf Character: Alternate simple, the shape is lanceolate, distinctly veined, from roundish irregular mounds atthe end of stems, margin is entire
Flower Type: Spike- like clusters, cymes,  with scorpiod curl 0.5"
Color: Blue, purple, pink
Period: May, June
Fruit: Nutlet
Exposure: Full Sun
Water: Infrequent but thorough 
Pruning: Lightly to keep plant bushy, cut off faded flower spikes

Remarks: Reaches 3-6' height, grows fast. Is outstanding for its flowers, form or silhouette. Used as specimen and for erosion control