Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Arbutus unedo

Botanical Name: Arbutus unedo
Common Name: Strawberry Tree
Family: Ericaceae
Type: Broad leaved evergreen Tree and Shrub
Origin/Habitat: Southern Europe and SW Ireland
Leaf Character: Alternate, single, 4", Oblong-ovate, reddish young, margin serrate
Flower Type: Terminal panicle, 2" urceolate, 1/4" 
Color: White or pink
Period:fall and winter
Fruit: berry, 1/2 to 3/4", red and orange grows during spring and summer, the fruit is used in Jam and alcoholic drinks 
Bark: rough and peeling  red to brown
Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Water: infrequent but thorough

Remarks: outstanding flowers, fruit, foliage, bark and silhouette, used as hedge, lawn tree, street tree, specimen, visual screen and used also in containers 

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