Sunday, August 17, 2014

Aesculus californica

Botanical Name: Aesculus californica
Common Name: California Buckeys
Family: Hippocastanaceae
Type: Broad leaved, deciduous tree, shrub
Origin/Habitat: California
Leaf Character: Opposite, palmate, 4"-10" divided, fan like, into large, cuneate, obovate, kealed, one floret with 5-7 flowers
Flower Type: Terminal pannicle 6" to 12"  flower irregular, calyx tubular
Color: White, palo rosa, blotched with pink and yellow
Period: April and May
Fruit: Leathery capsule
Bark: Smooth
Exposure: Full Sun

Remarks: Reaches 10'-2-' height and spreads wider than its height.  Flowers, foliage and fragrance, bark 

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