Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Arbutus menziessi

Botanical Name: Arbutus menziessi
Common Name: Madrone
Family: Ericaceae
Type: Broad leaved evergreen shrub and tree
Origin/Habitat: California coast, ranges from coast line to Sierra foothills below 5000 feet elevation
Leaf Character: Alternate, simple, 3-6", elliptic to ovate
Flower Type: Terminal panicle about 6" shape is urceolate, individual flowers are 1/4" 
Color: White to pink
Period: Spring
Fruit: Berry, globose, 1/4" red and orange
Bark: exfoliating, red and bronw
Exposure: Full Sun to partial shade

Remarks: Outstanding bark, fruit, flowers and foliage, used as visual screen, park tree and specimen 

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